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Ghostown Laboratory



Landform can be described as the natural feature of the Earth’s surface. Landforms arrange together on the landscape and create the topography while geomorphology seeks to understand why landscapes look the way they do, tries to understand landform history and dynamics.


            While interpreting the landforms in Sardegna, first we tried to focus on the history of the land and analyse the physical characteristics such as mountains, cliffs, plateaus, seas, shorelines etc. After this analysis we found out that there are several kinds of mineral deposits which creates a mosaic of color in the geomorphology of the island.


            Focusing on the Iglesiente region, we discovered that it is a metal-bearing basin which contains metals like lead, zinc, silver etc. In the presence of these metals in the area resulted in the extraction process which we call as “mining activity”. While we observe the mining activity, the land in section shows different characteristics above and below the ground. Features like galleries, outcrops, wells etc. create a hidden architecture below the ground. On examining this hidden architecture, horizontal (galleries) and vertical (silos) excavations play a significant role on extracting the materials conveniently.


            As a result of these activities, the land takes in different forms such as holes, dumps, huge diggings, flat lands because of leveling process and creation of urban settlements like washeries, factories, foundries etc.


            We inferred certain characteristics that constitute the land. These interesting characteristics are colors and light, texture, and shapes. Landforms show different colors based on the light in different times of the day. Observing the texture and shape of the land, we can see vertical, horizontal, diagonal stones, gravels, bricks and galleries.


            On the whole, the relationship between landforms and other features like infrastructures, urban settlements and waterscape create layers within the natural landform. For instance we could see the mountain getting apart into two layers like upper and lower parts because of the road. In the mining area layers like dumps, buildings, curved vegetation and sharp mountains could be found. Coast along the sea, mountains, vegetation, patch of trees also form layers.


design drawings.

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